Important Information Regarding NAFEC

Please see below for a message from our MWA NASCOE NAFEC Chair, Mary Roberts.

For those of you who don’t know me, I’m the IASCOE NAFEC Chair and also the MWA NASCOE NAFEC Chair.  I have had the honor of being the Iowa chair for over 6 years and MWA chair for the past 4 years.  When I was asked to serve as IASCOE’s NAFEC chair, I had no idea what NAFEC stood for let alone how important this organization is.  In a nutshell, NAFEC is the organization that supports our local County Committee system which in turn means they support the local FSA offices and all programs and personnel at the local level.   NAFEC works with administration in DC and has the opportunity to strengthen our message.   Any COC member past or present can join as a regular member and anyone else can join as associate members.  Associate membership is $1/pay period when using the FSA-444.  It’s a small price for the support they give our local FSA offices and COC. 

NASCOE’s NAFEC Chair as well as Area NAFEC chairs have worked hard to come up with promotional items that can be shared with local COC and staff.  Please take the time to share this information the next COC meeting.  NAFEC membership is annual (January-December).   If there are any questions that come up, I’d be more than happy to join your meeting via conference call or you can just send them my way.    As stated, I’ve been working with NAFEC for over 6 years and am very comfortable sharing information about this great organization.   Questions can also be directed to our National NAFEC board which is a great benefit to current and prospective members.   Thank you for taking the time to send this out to your state and also share with your office.  

Mary Roberts



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